How to influence positive outcomes in reentry.

Dr. Robin LaBarbera
5 min readAug 30, 2023

The art of listening.

Good conversations generate well-being, feelings of closeness, shared effort, and productivity. And difficult conversations — when people disagree or disclose something controversial — can produce similar positive outcomes if they happen under supportive circumstances.

How people talk to one another (i.e., through words and tone of voice) is important in influencing conversation outcomes. But what can the listener do to shape the conversation? Quite a lot, it turns out.

It is easy to picture a good listener. This person may remain quiet as their partner speaks; they might wait for the speaker to complete a sentence before contributing their own thoughts.

During the conversation, a good listener avoids looking at their phone, maintains good eye contact, and exhibits facial expressions and a body posture that conveys interest and curiosity. Therefore, the listeners’ attentional attitude creates space in the conversation for speakers to talk.

However, “high-quality” listening involves more than simply being silent and creating space. The listener has power in the conversation and can contribute verbally and non-verbally in ways that actively shape the interaction.



Dr. Robin LaBarbera

Program evaluation professional helping leaders develop data-driven strategies and plans to maximize community impact. Email me at